Way cool shot of the E-Type on mountain road!

1999 Cannonball Classic: A Participant's Diary, by Chuck Goolsbee

I'm going along with my Dad on our classic car adventure number three, from September 25 through October 2nd 1999. You can read all about our previous adventures here(98) and here(99).

NOTE TO OTHER CANONBALL PARTICIPANTS: If you find this page, please email me some info about you and your car so I can add it to this site when I get back to Seattle.

Just like I did with the last New England 1000 rally, I plan to write this as a daily journal, along with some photos from a digital camera and post it to the web each night (ISP willing). I write in a straightforward, stream-of-consciousness, pull-no-punches style, so I expect as with past pages I'll manage to offend a few folks... you have been warned.

I still haven't found the time between rounds of tear gas and morons to update the page about the cars, but I have found a few related links: Here is a not-too-positive article from one of the participants. Thankfully we won't see him again.

Enjoy the Run!

Cannonball Poster

Go to the Next page: Pre-event summary.



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